Friday Jun 01, 2018
How to Create Your Own Job
Friday Jun 01, 2018
Friday Jun 01, 2018
Dr. Deborah Osgood from Osgood & Associates joins us for this weekend’s broadcast to talk about ‘How to Create Your Own Job’. “America’s small businesses are getting smaller as just under half our workforce turns to independent contracting, freelance, and self-employment to create their own jobs.” Deb will also talk about the transition of her firm from The Knowledge Institute to Osgood & Associates.
Friday May 25, 2018
Granite State Games
Friday May 25, 2018
Friday May 25, 2018
Patrick Mulcahy joins us for this weekend’s broadcast of Northeast Delta Dental Radio to talk about the Granite State Games. 2018 is the fourth year for the games and we will look back at past years records and we will discuss the events for this year’s games. The Granite State Games are coming on June 18, 2018! Visit http://granitestategames.org/ to learn more …
Friday May 18, 2018
Tooth Erosion by Acid Containing Drinks
Friday May 18, 2018
Friday May 18, 2018
Dr. Richard Berryman joins us this weekend to talk about Tooth Erosion by Acid Containing Drinks. In our conversation, we will learn about the composition of several popular soft and sports drinks and the effects they have on the tooth surface. Drinks contain varying acid levels, acid types, concentrations of phosphate, calcium, and ingredients that affect the health of your teeth. Join us for this informative discussion and remember to brush and floss…
Friday May 11, 2018
Friday May 11, 2018
Friday May 11, 2018
TechWomen|TechGirls is a “program for professional women to connect, educate, and explore ideas around career development, technology initiatives, and innovation.” Melissa Jurkoic joins us this weekend to talk about the initiative and the four programs they currently offer. The programs are: Annual Luncheon, Girl’s Technology Day, TechWomen Ambassador Week, and TechWomen Power Breakfast Series. TechWomen|Tech Girls is an initiative of the NH High Tech Council. Join us on the radio and learn more at https://nhhtc.org/nhhtc-events/techwomentechgirls/
Friday May 04, 2018
Cyber Security, Data Breaches & other Tech News
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Craig Peterson is our guest this weekend on Northeast Delta Dental Radio to talk about Cyber Security, Data Breaches & other Tech News. This informative conversation will include ‘The Next Cold War, it’s all about Data’, ‘The end of Windows’, ‘How Chromebooks became the go-to laptops for security experts’ and whole lot more. Join us for the conversation and visit Craig’s website for regular Tech Updates: https://craigpeterson.com/
Friday Apr 27, 2018
Future in Sight
Friday Apr 27, 2018
Friday Apr 27, 2018
David Morgan is our special guest on this weekend’s broadcast to provide an update from Future in Sight. A year ago, the NH Association for the Blind rebranded and changed its name to Future in Sight. David will update us on the rebranding and how it is working out. We will cover the services provided by Future in Sight and discuss the struggle they (and other nonprofits) are having to serve more clients while maintain a sustainable budget. The Walk for Sight is coming on June 3rd and we will talk about this fundraiser event as well as how individuals can get involved by volunteering or sponsorships. Join us on the radio and visit Future in Sight on the web: https://futureinsight.org
Monday Apr 23, 2018
Prevent Abuse and Neglect through Dental Awareness (P.A.N.D.A.)
Monday Apr 23, 2018
Monday Apr 23, 2018
In the early 1990s, Northeast Delta Dental formed a coalition of individuals, professional associations, and agencies in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont with a vested interest in the health and welfare of children, and to promote the Prevent Abuse and Neglect through Dental Awareness (P.A.N.D.A.) program with the support of the Northeast Delta Dental Foundation. Eleanor Vien is our guest on this weekend’s broadcast to share with us about the P.A.N.D.A. program and Child Abuse Prevention Month. Join us for this informative conversation and learn more about the P.A.N.D.A. program on our website at: http://www.nedelta.com/Providers/P-A-N-D-A-Program.
Friday Apr 13, 2018
Tick Prevention
Friday Apr 13, 2018
Friday Apr 13, 2018
It is Spring Time and it is a great time to get outside and enjoy a hike, play in the park, go for a walk, or just spend time enjoying nature…. However, with the arrival of Spring comes some pesky little creatures that we will be discussing on this weekend’s program. Rebecca O’Connor of YAYA Organics joins us to talk about ‘Tick Prevention’. We will discuss ticks and their prevalence in New Hampshire, the importance of prevention education in lowering the incidence of tick bites and Lyme Disease. The conversation will also cover some key prevention measures (Tick Ban repellent), how to identify and what to do if you get a tick bite, and a whole lot more…. Join us to learn more about ticks and how to avoid them this season.
Friday Apr 06, 2018
Let's Play Ball
Friday Apr 06, 2018
Friday Apr 06, 2018
Spring has arrived and it is time to 'Play Ball'. The 2017 Fisher Cats season is just days away from starting and Mike Ramshaw is here to share about all the exciting things happening with the New Hampshire Fisher Cats at Northeast Delta Dental Stadium. The Oral Health Challenge continues this year and provides the opportunity for children to earn two free tickets to a game.
The feature event for this season is the Northeast Delta Dental Eastern League All-Star Game! Also as part of our conversation, we will update you on the renovations project going on at the stadium that includes a new stage for pre-game concerts, new tiered seating section, and redesigned ballpark entrance pavilion.
Join us on the radio to learn all about the 2017 Fisher Cats Season, visit the Fisher Cats website (nhfishercats.com) to buy your tickets, and see you at the ballpark!
Friday Mar 30, 2018
The Real Cost to Business: The Mental Health and Addiction Crisis
Friday Mar 30, 2018
Friday Mar 30, 2018
On Wednesday, March 28th at Southern New Hampshire University, a conference on mental health entitled The Real Cost to Business: The Mental Health and Addiction Crisis will be held. Our guest on this weekend’s show, Judge John Broderick, will talk with us about the forum and mental health awareness. Do you know the ‘Five Signs’ and the ‘Ways to react (R.E.A.C.T.)?’ Tune in to learn more!